Snuggle Bugs

Last night John and I babysat our friends little girl Fritzna. She and her older brother Hadrood are adopted from Haiti and have been home now just a little over 3 months. Her parents Bill and Dawn finally had their first date night out without the kids which includes biological son Daniel too.
John had the first shift because I don't get home from work until about 7:30p. When I came in John and Fritzna were sitting down for a fine gourmet meal consisting of spaghetti with beans and rice on the side. Fritzna was happily shoveling it in. She was quite ladylike and liked to use her utensils. Pretty impressive for a 22 month old. She did have a problem though with John stealing her spaghetti. He would hold a piece in his mouth and she would quickly grab it out and eat it herself. Sometimes he would suck it back in before she could get it which became quite a fun game.
After dinner we went to the park and played in the sand and on the swings. Fritzna was belly laughing hard on the swings and really liked to go high much to our surprise. After we got home John taught her all the important stuff about toys........ like throwing blocks on the floor is really very entertaining! Fritzna seemed really puzzled and appalled that John would bypass the container meant for the blocks and just throw them on the floor! But then after John threw about 7 blocks she got into the spirit of the games and was soon a solid competitor.
Because every athlete must get their rest it was now time for snuggling. I have now discovered what I think will be the best part of parenting. Fritzna just laid on top of me and snuggled up close. She kept stroking my hair and shoulder while sucking her two fingers with vigor. She sounded like Maggie on the Simpsons and it was so cute. I could tell she was so content and it just melted my heart. I just hope our little one likes to snuggle too.