kissing cousins and other adventures

This past weekend my cousin's wife Jenn and their little baby Kellyn came to visit. Kellyn is 4 months old and approximately the same size as our little peanut. It has been interesting to see Maya become more social with other babies. She watched Kellyn's every move and you could almost hear her wondering aloud, "why can't she crawl or feed herself?" Even though Kellyn couldn't down mashed potatoes or throw her water bottle with complete accuracy, Maya still loved her enough to lean over and give her a big old kiss on the head.

Kissing Cousins

Can you guess who is older?

"If only I could crawl!"
She now puckers her lips and makes the mmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa! sound when she is kissing. The first time this happened it was completely unprovoked which was so sweet. Of course we had to ask her to do it again for the camera. Being on the receiving end of one of these little kisses is very wet but the best experience ever. Maya also likes to kiss all of her stuff animals too. She is still blowing kisses and finds this to be completely handy when she is getting ready to do something naughty. The scenario goes something like this. Maya heads towards the cords of the lamp or computer. One of us says "Maaaayyyyyyaaaaaa" and she stops in her tracks with a very serious look and starts blowing us kisses. Amazing someone this young can try and sweeten us up before committing a spicy act. :)
This past week we also got a visit from Maya's friends Lola and Stella, the twins who were a part of our China group with parents Kirisi and Brad. It was good to see the girls and to see how all three are progressing at home. The girls enjoyed playing together on a blanket out back which was a welcome change to the hotel rooms we were used to having playdates in. Stella arm wrestled a biscuit out of Maya's hand much to Maya's amazment. Maya then proceded to offer her replacement biscuit only to take it back just as Stella was moving in for a mouth full. PSYCH!......two can play at this game! Needless to say it was very entertaing to watch. I'm thinking baby wrestling on the Disney Channel could draw quite the crowd.

Stella and Maya before the wrestiling match

Little Lola

"auntie" Kristi and Maya
We also got a visit from my boss Juan and his family. His son Vincent who is almost 5 has been a huge fan of the Maya blog. Vincent offered some free baby training so of course we couldn't resist. Maya was mesmerized by Vincent. But ever since the baby training Maya has been doing loud ear piercing, window shattering squeals. Hmmmmmm makes me wonder what kind of things Vincent taught her. I better check the baby training manual for the next lesson just to be safe.

Balancing 101 at the Vincent School of Baby Training
The weather is starting to turn cool and we've been enjoying many evening walks in the stroller. Maya seems to enjoy the scenery although she has a hard time staying awake once we get strollin. It seems to be a good pre bedtime routine since she is usually really wired and hyper right before crashing.

"I can't be seen in this!"

"Ok it is kinda cozy."
Her favorite thing is rolling around on the bed climbing Mt. mommy and daddy. She giggles with delight when she makes it over the hump of my hip or daddy's legs and can't wait to do it again. It has been so much fun to see how much she has opened up over the past few weeks. We have started to deal with a few sleep issues.....basically she doesn't want to go to sleep. Maybe we'll take this as a sign that she is enjoying life and doesn't want to miss a thing. A small price to pay for such a wonderful joy in our lives.

Mommy and Maya
Maya, John & Lori, we love you so much-
Mark, Francine & Amanda
Anonymous, at 8:00 AM
I've been following your journey & had "talked" to John on the Yongzhou yahoo group before you left. My daughter is from the Dao SWI as well. Did you ever figure out where Maya had spent all her days? Do you think she was at Dao all the time? What a heartwrenching experience you had at the other SWI only to realize the possibility she had never been there at all! It sounds like Dao is a much nicer SWI than the one you toured. Lets hope so right? We will never fully understand the lives our daughters led before they came to us will we? But I am glad they are with us now. Thank you for sharing your story of your visit & for sharing your photos. They are priceless to those families who weren't able to visit their SWI.
In Him,
Anonymous, at 3:46 PM
Lori, John, and Maya,
We walked into the Sunday School room,and then we told the teacher that we were going to listen to some music. Then we got my name tag. Then of course, my name tag. Then we came back and I was late for Sunday school. They were already in big group time. Then after big group time we had snacks. I had a plain grahm cracker. The other kids had strawberry whipped cream on theirs. I didn't have any, and Bridget didn't either. Then we played a water game. We listened to the different sounds that the glasses made with water. I was the last person to do it, and of course my name is Vincent still... Ha .. Ha..., then we tore out little pieces of white paper and put them on the blue piece of paper. They were clouds. Some kids colored them, but I didn't. Then we played this other cloud game, you had to blow it across this line, this yellow tape, then we could't use any hands. It was great! And I won... without touching it. And then my Mom went to get me another donut.
Love, Vincent
P.S. Thanks for including Vincent in your blog. He loved it! Ellen
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM
Hey guys!
New pics please. :) Fritzna is VERY vocal about seeing Maya and (Lowee) EVERY single time I'm on the computer!
We walk out the door, she points across the street, smiles super big and says in a cute inquiring voice, "Lowee? Maya? Ya!" Then proceeds to walk towards your house. She gets so mad when we AREN'T going across the street and instead going to another 'bye-bye' place, instead. ;(
I swear, she looks just like a little porcelain chinese doll! So fragile, so cute and petite. I can't wait for the day that she actually puts her arms out to me to hold her! Right now, everyone, I'm lucky to get a smile. Of course, she's gone right into my hubby's arms and adores my kids! Ah, patience, I'll wait. The day will come when I can snuggle with Little Maya Xiao!
love you guys,
dawn and the gang
Anonymous, at 10:09 AM
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