We're officially a family!

Here's a link to some more photos: http://www.dropshots.com/john_haug
September first marked our official adoption of Maya. We headed back to the same building where we received Maya and became a forever family. The interview process was very brief......they asked us "are you happy with this child?" A resounding "yes" there! and why we want to adopt a child from China. About 5 minutes for the whole process which included a thumbprint from John and I and Maya's foot print to seal the deal. We just can't believe little Xiao Jiao (we mostly call her "Jiao Jiao" so far as that is the name we've been told she was called most of her life by her caregivers) is ours!
Maya continues to amaze us. We can't stop looking at her and feel so happy that she was chosen for us. She loves her toothbrush and likes to carry it with her. Yeah! Good oral hygiene. We're practicing brushing those six teeth of hers and luckily she is pretty cooperative. She also loves stacking cups. She is brilliant of course (what parent doesn't think that right?) and anything you give her she studies very carefully by turning it over several times.
We have experienced some obvious grieving from Maya. She will be giggling one minute then she will just start crying for no apparent reason, throw her head back, arch her back and scratch us (sound familiar Dawn?) and just say "ahh ma" over and over again. Morgan our group leader says that she is calling for her nanny at the orphanage and that this is pretty common. It really breaks our heart and has brought me to tears a few times. I know this must be all to much for her to understand and my heart hurts for her. We just hold her close and whisper " I love you" in Chinese hoping that she will feel some sort of comfort. Overall we have been pretty lucky as many of the families in our group have dealt with nonstop crying from their children. We feel blessed to have gotten lots of giggles from her. And she has been babbling a lot today.
We had the doctor in our group check her out today. Her diaper rash is healing well with the Arbonne ointment I brought. It was disgusting when we got her. Poor thing just clumps of skin peeling off and raw skin underneath. She is still congested but it doesn't appear to be in her lungs which is good. She has scabies which is common in orphanage settings especially in warm humid environments. We brought a presription with us and have been treating her accordingly. Overall she is pretty healthy even though she is small. Her weight as of today is 13.2 lbs. She dropped a bit from the beginning of August probably due to her sick bout.
Maya slept through the first night completely from 9-7am. Last night she woke up at 2am and then went back to sleep after I gave her a bottle. She slept between John and I last night after having a rough afternoon we didn't want to move her after she finally fell asleep. She rolls and rolls and rolls. John said he got kicked in the head several times. Good thing he brought a mouth guard! She rotates around just like Paige (my niece) did when she was little. The other strange thing is she sleeps head face down on the bed. We have tried to turn her head to one side or the other but she always goes back to face down. I don't know how she breaths but it seems comforting to her so we don't mess with her too much. She also does this little thing where she rocks her hips in a circle when she is falling asleep. I'm sure it is the way she soothed her self to sleep in the orphanage.
Little milestones are what we live for. If I say baba (chinese for dad) she will look for John. Mama is a bit more confusing because of the orphanage nanny thing but she did actually reach for me today. John and I both agree that every smile just melts our hearts. She has several dimples which are so cute and her belly laugh is so funny.
We wish that we were out enjoying China a little more. It has just been horribly hothere. Today it was 102 and the humidity is 100% plus lots of pollution. Going a little stir crazy in the hotel but thank goodness for our friends in the group. There is a playroom in the hotel so we did a little playdate today. It has been so fun hanging out with Brad and Kristi and their cute little twins. We get to share all the new things that the girls do each day. Tonight we will be going out with all the other 14 families for a group dinner. Sixteen babies in a restaurant should be interesting.
Tomorrow we will head to the orphanage where Maya has been since June. It is 3.5 hours away so we will be spending the night. Unable to post again until Monday. We are a little concerned about how Maya will react back in her orphanage environment so keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We won't be able to see where Maya was abandoned or visit her first orphanage of seven months because it is too far away. Someday we hope we can return with her and make that journey.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. Love to you all. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Lori, John and Maya (Maya Papaya.....John's new nickname for her).
I just cannot describe the joy in my heart as I read your words & see the photos. You make such a beautiful & perfect forever family!! As always thanks for sharing it all. It is a gift to my heart & I am so happy for you all -- especially Maya Papaya because she is so blessed to have you two for her forever parents!!!
Lots of love,
Anonymous, at 9:28 AM
OK, I'm obsessed we've been checking all morning! Can you say puddle of tears? She is so beautiful and I knew she'd look great in red :-)! I am so happy for all of you...this is just the beginning of the best journey of your life! She is just a little peanut but certainly a beautiful one! (We think she is the same size as Kellyn...they'll be perfect playmates)Congrats again!
We love you,
Jenn, Jeff & Kellyn
Anonymous, at 9:39 AM
Red is her color! She is so happy, I looked through all the photos, thanks for the link. Too funny that the toothbrush is one of her favorite items to hold. She must have been told ahead of time what her mothers profession was. I think she looks like John, the photo of the both of them on the bed smiling is just beautiful!!! Glad to hear the Arbonne ointment is working. I have tears of joy each time I open your Blog!!! What a perfect ending to a new begining...Lots of Love, Colleen and Family
Anonymous, at 11:41 AM
Okay, I'm officially in tears...my heart is full. Love you guys, Felicia
Anonymous, at 1:15 PM
Thank you so much for bringing us along with you, we need an update or we get concerned. And of course we need to see Jiao Jiao, Baba and Mama.
She is a dear and so are you and you are so missed (over a year now). A picture is worth a thousand words. There is nothing better than seeing you all, even though it is on a screen. Hope you can feel the love and embrace.
Love M
Anonymous, at 3:45 PM
Aaaah, I'm unbelievably speechless! Yeah, right, who am I kidding...The Haug Family is Delicious!
I am SO in love with her, Lori. My favorite photo is the last one, that beautiful face of hers, smiling contently into the camera. I'm in tears right now...your dream has come true. The three of you "fit" so perfectly and naturally. This is meant to be, you three, smiling happily. :)
My heart aches also for the three of you. Those tears of angst and confusion are upsetting...Hadrood had a melt down today and said that he didn't love any of us anymore and didn't even love Manmi Robert or Fritzna. We KNOW that isn't true! It was sad to hear him say it, but it also made me realize that his fear/anger/sadness isn't directly personal towards me, it's his way of mourning. Fritzna doesn't do the arched back thing much anymore. She's now showing her wild kitty cat side and displaying her own anger in ways that she's seen both of her brothers display theirs! Maya's tears will fade as she realizes that the both of you will never leave her side. She will be comforted by your touch, caressing her cheeks every day; the sound of your voices, whispering how much you love her; and the sight of your faces, the people who always fulfill her needs and are always there. She will KNOW that you are her very own Baba and Mama, forever.
You both look so serene next to her. You have that certain glow of being in love with your child...we're so happy for you.
Lots and lots of love,
Anonymous, at 12:25 AM
Dear Lori's Family from Bob and Tony's~
I don't know how else to get a hold of you except by writing on your daughter/sister's blog!
I just wanted to say that, as usual, the food was great today and it's a tradition for us to go to your place whenever we get to Estes, even if we feel like eatin' sushi! It was a tough weekend with our kids but getting up there really made a difference to our day. On that note, Linda, I absolutely NEED your homemade chili recipe! Please? Bill loves chili and Danny tried mine then said, "Yum! I like this!" The boys loved the chicken nuggets too. Sorry also for distracting you...wow, the restaurant was packed! All of you looked a bit beat and ready to go home, huh?!
Sorry about getting your hopes up about "new" pics from Lori! They were new to me but I didn't realize that you had already seen them. :(
The Webster Family
Anonymous, at 6:32 PM
I'm in love. I know you guys are - it's written all over your faces in those wonderful pictures.
I can't wait to meet her in person, but in the meantime I'm so glad you're updating everyone on your blog1
Anonymous, at 2:46 PM
Hey Haug Family ~
HEEEeeelloo, we are all waaiiiting to hear/see from you! :)
By the way, Lori, Skeeter and Jet are doing fine. Your sitters said not to worry, they are rolling the insulin before giving it to the animals!
Just keep lovin' on your ladybug, try to get out to sightsee more and keep sending us tidbits...even a few lines will help all of us from going nuts and our fingers from falling off, by looking up your blog a hundred times a day! :)
Anonymous, at 9:42 PM
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