Now it gets interesting!

Up until today we have had all the little distractions that day-to-day life brings to keep us busy. Now that we are less than 48 hours from lift-off on our trip to China the reality is really hitting home. I can't help wonder what it will feel like to hold Maya for the first time, to hear her cry, to see her smile, to hear her laugh. These are all the little sensations we've been pondering since the referral and by Thursday we'll hopefully know.
My dog and cat know something's up. Skeet (our dog) has been following me around all day. He usually does this for a few hours when I'm home, but he normally gives up and finds a nice corner (usually Lori's closet) to curl up in. Today he won't leave my side. The cat (Jet) has found a small box that one of Maya's gifts came in and he seems to have claimed that as his new digs. They never go for the $30 pillow we buy that says cute things like "kitty's bed time", they always go for the trash.
I've heard kids are like this too. I guess we'll find out soon enough. Grandparents, don't be too disappointed when Maya shuns your beautiful hand-woven receiving blanket or organic stuffed lion and instead opts for the plastic garbage bucket!
I am so excited for you. I can't wait to hear you have Maya in your arms. Can't wait to follow your travels.
Mom 2 six, at 10:06 AM
It's 5am our time, and I'm checking your blog. I hope you're feeling the love, because it's here. :)
Yes, Maya will develop a passion at some point for the boxes her toys come in - and oh the rapture of tissue paper! BUT. There will also come that moment when you realize she loves some blanket or stuffed animal (or both) that you picked out. Then your heart will swell because she loves the thing you picked. It's goofy, but it's true. :)
I hope it was the frog pod box- mainly because my cat fell in love with ours too. lol
Anonymous, at 5:02 AM
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